On Fri, Jan 12, 2001 at 04:10:36PM +0200, Eray Ozkural wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 12, 2001 at 02:03:55PM -0000, Mariusz Przygodzki wrote:
> >  
> > I am convinced the DAM approval is this kind of bureaucratical decision
> > which can not improve Debian work's quality of any maintaners (it means
> > unofficial maintaners in this case). Personally I have stopped to
> > investigate reasons of this situation and rules which are neccesary to
> > obtain the DAM approval since I can not treat this procedure seriously. 
> > 
> Does this mean I can never become a maintainer? I believe that I have
> demonstrated my knowledge of debian's policy and skills with the packages
> that I've done.

You must have heard many times by now that Debian is a volunteer effort, and
things are done on a time-available basis.  There are often unexpected delays,
and there are rarely reasons given for them.

My NM application took over a year.  During that time, I maintained my packages
through sponsors, participated in mailing list discussions, and tracked down
and fixed open bugs in packages that I was familiar with, and tried to be
generally useful.  The only difference now is that I upload my own packages
(and thus my own fixes get into the archive more quickly) and maintain a small
archive of potato recompiles on people.d.o.

You don't need to be a maintainer in order to help Debian.

Being a maintainer is not a reward for helping Debian.

 - mdz

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