I need some help trying to figure out why my two packages haven't made
it into testing.

hp48cc made it into the old woody distribution, but hasn't made it
into testing with no indication as of why.  Maybe there isn't really a
probelm and it just hasn't been done yet?

electric is the package I'm really concerned about.  I uploaded it to
the old woody tree, and it was accecpted.  But the package won't go
into testing, and gives the following in update_excuses:

electric 6.00-1 (new) (low) Maintainer: Chris Ruffin
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> electric has been hanging around for 51 days!
valid candidate (will be installed unless it's dependent upon other
buggy pkgs) 

Well, it's not dependent upong any buggy packages, AFAIK.

And then, it says this in update_output.txt:

Here's "The List": ...  electric: alpha: electric ...

I have no earthly clue what this is supposed to mean.  Can we put
something meaningful in place of Here's "The List".  How about "Here's
the list of packages that were installed, might be installed, were
laughed at, whatever..."

And then, electric shows it's face in unstable_probs.html, which is

"The current list of
horribly-severe-shouldn't-be-here-in-the-first-place bugs is at
testing_probs.html. (These are all `don't even bother considering this
package for inclusion' offences, which will hopefully all disappear
during the freeze, and bugsquashing days and so forth). For reference,
there's an equivalent page for unstable at unstable_probs.html, and
one for stable at stable_probs.html. 

Here's the output for that:

Binaries from electric 6.00-1 cannot be installed: 

Sorry, don't know what that means, either, but I have some idea that
the package won't build on m68k.  That's all fine and good, but am I
in particular responsible for getting my package to build on all the
supported architectures before it will include the package I
originally uploaded?  What makes even less sense is that two
auto-built packages, arm and ppc, have made it into testing, while the
original package I uploaded has not.

I have a feeling I'm just doing something wrong here, but I can't
dechipher ajt's output files.
Chris Ruffin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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