On Thu, Jan 25, 2001 at 05:50:53PM +0100, Jochen Voss wrote:
> Hi,
> I intend to pick up the orphaned chbg package
> and tried to pack the new upstream release.
> The files are at
>     http://www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/~wwwstoch/voss/chbg/
> Would anybody sponsor the package?

Stupid question, its ok that applicants look for sponsors before they have
been assigned an AM? I'm just curious, because I just uploaded such a

Jochen, I get this from lintian:
N: unknown interpreter
[repeat N times]
W: chbg: postinst-does-not-set-usr-doc-link

If you fix this, I might make the upload (if its ok...)

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