* Joshua Haberman 

| Lintian complained at the very end of the latter build:
| W: audacity: unknown-section unknown
| Is that a section in the executable file? dh_strip runs successfully
| earlier in the build.

In the control file you have something like

Section: unknown

And since Debian doesn't have a section named unknown, lintian

| What am I to do when there is another upstream release? Should I simply
| copy the "debian" directory out of the old tree and into the new, update
| the changelog, and rebuild?

Something like that, yes.  If you change anything outside debian/ you
might want to use the patch instead.

| What about an incremental release, to fix a bug on my (wearing the
| package maintainer's hat) part? Am I supposed to make a diff of my
| changes?

This is not a debian-specific package, right?  Just update the
changelog, fix your packaging and off you go.

| Lastly, what do I need to take into consideration to accomidate for
| people who wish to do a source build? How would I note that to build on
| potato, you must manually download and compile wxWindows and libvorbis?

Put them in the build-depends line.


Tollef Fog Heen
Unix _IS_ user friendly... It's just selective about who its friends are.

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