Domenico Andreoli wrote:
> now reading the packaging manual i found this writing:
> "A Conflicts entry should almost never have an `earlier than' version
>  clause. This would prevent dpkg from upgrading or installing the package
>  which declared such a conflict until the upgrade or removal of the
>  conflicted-with package had been completed. This aspect of installation
>  ordering is not handled by dselect, so that the use Conflicts in this
>  way is likely to cause problems for `bulk run' upgrades and
>  installations."
> now i'm not really undestanding the point, is it telling me i'm going
> to have problems during upgrade? what does it mean "bulk run"?

A bulk run is something like dpkg --BORGiE. We use to use such command
lines for upgrades in the days before apt, when the above was written.

see shy jo

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