Chad C. Walstrom:

> The easiest way is to maintain a vendor branch in a local repository.

I would prefer not to make unnecessary copies...

> You can use the cvs-inject script provided by cvs-buildpackage to
> automate much of this.  (Do an 'apt-cache show cvs-buildpackage'.)

Ah. cvs-buildpackage. Yeah, that one could need some documentation. I tried
using it once, but gave up. And I do have some CVS knowledge... :-)

> The package would be considered 'Debian native', and version management
> would simplify greatly.

That's not an option at the moment.

However, what I'm thinking of now is to branch out the Debian specific
changes in the upstream CVS, so for each release tagged in the CVS, I create
a Debian branch where I add all the Debian files. That should be easy

peter -

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