>What i use to do is either :
>  1) just apply the diff file to the new package, chmod +x debian/rules, and
>  check that nothing broke.
>and once in a while i also do :
>  2) do a dh_make on the new upstream source, and one by one migrate the stuff
>  done for the previous version to the new version. this needs :
>    -> applying all patches to the upstream source that are still needed.
>    -> modifying debian/rules os that it does the same things as the previous
>    version
>    -> copy the debian/changelog file and add a new entry there. (is there a
>    tool for doing this, or do i need to do it by hand like i currently do ?)

debchange (in the devscripts package).

>    -> copy the rest of the stuff, checking it is still needed/don't need to
>    be modified.

Sounds like a large amount of extra error-prone work to me, although I
suppose running dh_make every so often is one way of keeping some bits
of policy vaguely up to date. I just use uscan/uupdate to unpack the new
source and try to apply the old diffs for me.

Colin Watson                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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