On Sat, 26 May 2001, Daniel Stone wrote:


> > > This is actually similar to what I was experiencing.  If you want to use 
> > > debian/tmp you'll have to add -Pdebian/tmp to all dh_* functions that 
> > > creates 
> > > or install files....
> > 
> > Hmm, I don't want it but dh_movefiles wants debian/tmp
> > I want to use the standard.
> > So this is a general problem or just my?
> The new standard (with debhelper v3) is debian/<package name>, not
> debian/tmp. So, in this case, you'd use debian/drac everywhere, instead of
> debian/tmp.

Ahh, ok. So its a little problem with dh_movefiles which wants to move
from debian/tmp by default and/or ignores my "export DH_COMPAT=3" in

> Hope this helps,

Yes. very much. I thought I made debian/rules wrong or made another error.



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