also sprach Taral (on Tue, 03 Jul 2001 01:41:44PM -0500):
> On Tue, Jul 03, 2001 at 08:27:49PM +0200, Martin F. Krafft wrote:
> > also sprach Taral (on Tue, 03 Jul 2001 01:21:56PM -0500):
> > > Is there anyone in the Austin, TX area who would be able to get together
> > > this month to sign my new key (old one is expiring)?
> > 
> > um, can't you just change the expiration date and keep all signatures?
> No. Changing the expiration date invalidates the signatures.

does it? 

[some lines omitted for brevity - operation on backup copy]

fishbowl:~> gpg --edit-key 330c4a75 
  pub  1024D/330C4A75  created: 2001-06-20 expires: 2002-06-20 trust:
  sub  2048g/D99FEE8D  created: 2001-06-20 expires: 2002-06-20
  (1). Martin F. Krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  Command> check               <sorry Richard>
  uid  Martin F. Krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  sig!       330C4A75 2001-06-20   [self-signature]
  sig!       888354F7 2001-07-02   Richard Atterer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  Command> expire
  Key is valid for? (0) 2y
  Key expires at Thu Jul  3 20:49:57 2003 CEST
  Is this correct (y/n)? y

  pub  1024D/330C4A75  created: 2001-06-20 expires: 2003-07-03 trust:
  sub  2048g/D99FEE8D  created: 2001-06-20 expires: 2002-06-20
  (1). Martin F. Krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Command> check
  uid  Martin F. Krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  sig!       330C4A75 2001-07-03   [self-signature]
  sig!       888354F7 2001-07-02   Richard Atterer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

don't tell me i am just not getting this GPG/PGP business again.

but maybe someone can tell me what the subkey (D99FEE8D) is? that's
for encryption, right? that's not signed by anyone anyway, is it?
cause i don't seem to be capable of changing the expiration date on
that one.

and besides, i noticed a lot of the keys on debian users are with
expiration dates. that's a good thing (tm). but judging from the wast
amounts of signatures some people have collected, i doubt that process
takes place every year, again and again...

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
the young lady had an unusual list,
linked in part to a structural weakness.
she set no preconditions.

Attachment: pgpJP6zzqWIE0.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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