On Mon, Sep 03, 2001 at 02:08:00PM +0200, Domenico Andreoli wrote:
> > 
> > But I've noticed just now as I prepare a new upload that lintain complains,
> > saying,
> > 
> > W: meschach: postinst-has-useless-call-to-ldconfig
> > 
> anyway there was a bug (#109721) and lintian reported this warning even if you
> were effectively installing libraries in ldconfig path. this bugs has been 
> solved
> and upgrading to newer versions of lintian should make you less confused :((

Yes, that seems to be the problem.  The warning has gone away with the
latest version of lintian.

> remember also to call ldconfig in postrm only with "remove" argument (see 
> policy
> chapter 9)

Oh, I didn't realise I needed to do that too.  Thanks for the tip.

> > (and do I need to put dpkg-shlibdeps in debian/rules somewhere?  It seems
> > fine without it)
> > 
> yes you should always call it if you are building any sort of binaries which 
> may
> depends on other binaries (ie. executables and shared libraries). please 
> remember
> that any library that uses libc must be compiled against but not have a 
> dependency
> on it since libc is essential package (exception is required if you need a 
> particular
> version of it).

OK I'll try it :)

Thanks again,


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