> This is an output of:
>  gpg -v -v -v -v --with-colons --list-keys porridge
> Does anyone understand anything of this mess and can provide me
> with some clues on how to read it? I could not find any help in
> gnupg documentation.

Why use it then? ;) -veryveryveryverbose ;)

> (Hint: anything that has "Marcin Owsiany" in it is me,
> everything else is not me)

the others are signatures.

This is a colon-separated table
first column is the type (pub = public key, uid= user id, sig =signature
second column is "u" for user ids, pub and sub.
third column is key-length in bits
just compare the values with the regular output to find out their

If your are wondering who the "others" are - that are signatures on the


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