Greetings all,

I've packaged a new tool (or suite of tools)...  Here's the blurb...

Package: rocketworkbench
Description: Rocket Design Utilities
 The Rocket Workbench Project is a mission to develop open source
 high quality software tools for the design of experimental rockets.
 Using the most up to date rocket theory allows the software to
 produce the most accurate results.
 This package currently implements the following tools:
 cpropep - Propellant Evaluation Program

Ok...  now rocketworkbench is a 'collection' of tools of which there is 
currently only one prime time ready tool - cpropep - but others are reaching 
varying stages of usefulness which i'll add when they start working ;-)

I created a manpage for rocketworkbench which is going to be used as a 
pointer to all the utilities and a manpage for cpropep which i've fed back 
upstream and i'm guessing i'll be doing that for the other tools.  Also I had 
to do a bit of jiggery pokery to get an appropriate structure for examples 
/usr/share/rocketworkbench/examples/cpropep/....  ie other utilities will fit 
at the lowest level ie. ...../examples/graindesign/...   etc

There's config files under /etc/rocketworkbench/   again only one conf file 
there at the moment but there will be more.

I'm sure there's problems somewhere with what i've done so please lemme know 
what to fix.

The package can be found at

I've given it a going over with lintian and it doesn't complain (any more :-) 

I've obviously installed it locally and it works for me - but i'm sure you've 
heard that before.

So... If someone would like to a) sponsor the package that'd be great.  If 
someone is happy to be an advocate for me and do the online advocate 
paperwork that'd be even better :-)

Anyway... you may now return to your normal scheduled viewing....

Geoff O'Callaghan

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