On Fri, 22 Mar 2002, Gergely Nagy wrote:

>> I know how to make single packages (at least they seem to work), but have
>> no idea where to start for a multipackage thing. What documentation could
>> I read in order to understand the procedure, or what simple existing
>> package could I have a look at?
>dh_make can generate rules for multi-binary packages, and there's also
>an example debian/rules file in
>/usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/rules.multi (iirc).

Yes, there was such a file, and also a

Both seem logical if you understand the logic. I don't. :( I have no idea
where to plug in my package names and get it to build packages like:


What documentation would be good to read? There are such a wealth of
files, tools, utilities, helpers and whatnot that all has separate
documentation, I have just no idea where to start.

Any ideas, anyone?

  Om began to feel the acute depression that steals over every realist
       in the presence of an optimist.
                                        -- Terry Pratchett, Small Gods

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