Oohara Yuuma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> * gpgp should be in main (gpgp contains no crypto code --- all crypto things
>   are done by calling gpg)

So gpgp should be where gnupg is. Today that's main, you're right on that.

> I admit seahorse is better than gpgp, but gpgp seems rather popular
> according to popcon, so I want to package gpgp again.

The problem is that I hear gpgp is dead upstream. So unless
someone (you?) takes up upstream maintainership, maybe it is still
better for its users to migrate to seahorse. They can do this at their
own pace, of course, as nobody will rip the old gpgp package from
their harddisk.

> What version number should I use (0.4-8?), and where should I upload
> (main or non-US)?

0.4-7 should be fine, too, but 0.4-8 is safe. It should go to main
unless one of the following is true:
* depends on anything in non-US,
* contains algorithms patented in the US,
* or fails the DFSG (but that's another kettle of fish).


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