David Caldwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

<snipping a good suggestion>

> Even better than what I just said above is to make a source dir and 2
> build dirs, like so:
> <project_base>/source-tree
> <project_base>/build1
> <project_base>/build2
> <project_base>/debian
> That way the source files are nicely separated from the build files.
> Binutils organizes itself this way. It uses some unpacking/patching
> scripts that are modular and should be able to fit into any package.
> Or perhaps, any package should be able to made to fit the scripts. :-)
> I'm not sure where the scripts originated from, but I'm sure someone
> here will know...

Anybody interested should look at dbs -- it's packaged.

Personally, I don't like hiding the source in its own tree, and not
having it available immediately after "dpkg-source -x". dbs (or
similar approaches) are almost mandatory to stay sane with packages
requiring many changes to upstream source, but otherwise it just adds


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