
I've been a Debian user for several years, and I'm finally in a position
to offer something back in terms of packaging some software.  I'm
involved with the BlueZ project, which is developing the Linux Bluetooth
stack and associated tools and utilities.

The BlueZ kernel modules are likely to be in kernel 2.4.19 and so I'm
packaging up the accompanying tools (GPL licensed) in readiness for
this.  I'm looking for a sponsor for these packages, and after a while I
will start the NM process.

The packages in question can be found at


-- Edd

Edd Dumbill ------------| phone: +44 1904 427740 |------------------
 | Managing Editor, XML.com, XMLhack.com  --  Chair, XML Europe 2002
 | I PGP sign my email; more info at http://heddley.com/edd/pgp.html

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