On Thu, Sep 05, 2002 at 01:07:36PM +0200, Guillaume Morin wrote:
> Dans un message du 05 Sep à 13:02, Goswin Brederlow écrivait :
> > No, 100% GPL due to emule being GPL already makeing it pointless to
> > hide the core protocl.
> There have been some discussions in the savannah mailing lists about two
> binary files in the distribution. Can you confirm that this issue is
> solved ?

  It has been solved on the Savannah side: the binary files have been
  removed from the CVS.
  Now, the Makefile download the binaries from some location and
  the application is built upon it.
  So the application should definitely go to non-free or the
  edonkey support should be removed.

  Goswin, why didn't you get any clue? Did you read the thread in
  the WNPP RFP bug? Did you read mldonkey-archives? I think you

Jérôme Marant

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