I've packaged David Many'e's "Quelcom" suite of MP3 and WAV editing and
utility apps; I'm interested in finding a sponsor for them.

Quelcom has some overlap with the sox package, especially as concerns
its operations on wav files.  Where it differs is in its MP3 editing; it
can split and join mp3 files without re-encoding, and hence without any
further quality loss; so far as I'm aware there exists no package in
Debian capable of this.  It also provides some functionality not in sox,
such as report generation and integrity checks.  Nearly everything is
done using mmapped files, which makes it potentially much faster than
sox while remaining just as good for pushing every other process out
into swap for sake of the buffer cache.  :)

Quelcom should not be affected by MP3 patents, since it neither encodes
nor decodes.

Upstream is http://www.etse.urv.es/~dmanye/quelcom/quelcom.html; my
packages are at http://www.devin.com/debian/.  I've updated the manpages
to match the authoritative texinfo documentation, but it's otherwise
more or less unaltered.  I'd be interested in feedback if I screwed
anything up regarding the shared libraries.

Devin  \ aqua(at)devin.com, 1024D/E9ABFCD2;  http://www.devin.com
Carraway \ IRC: Requiem  GCS/CC/L s-:--- !a !tv C++++$ ULB+++$ O+@ P L+++

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