On Tue, Sep 24, 2002 at 09:55:08PM -0400, Colin Walters wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-09-24 at 19:34, Sam Powers wrote:
> > Is it a good idea to keep a debian directory upstream? I have CVS access,
> > so I think it'd make it easier for me, and also for others who want to
> > build custom debs, if the debian files were in CVS.
> I think the best solution is to keep it in CVS, but exclude it from
> released tarballs.  That way you keep the upstream/Debian distinction,
> but all the source code is in one place.

Yes. And if you want to ship it with regular releases, name the
directory 'deb' and 'make debian' moves it into place and build the

Regards, David
Afrika kommt nach Europa. Das ist der Kontinentaldrift. Da kann man auch
mit einem neuen Asylgesetz nichts dagegen machen. Das sollte mal wer
denen von der FPÖ erklären!
        -- Dieter Nuhr (www.nuhr.de) in der Wiener Remise, 2002-08-02

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