On Thu, 2002-10-03 at 16:56, Zeno Davatz wrote:
> Why do the dependency-manager not know that I already got apache-ssl
> installed. I wrote in my control file that apache-ssl-ywesee replaces
> apache, apache-common, apache-ssl

All Replaces: does is ensure that if you install apache-ssl-ywesee, then
apache, apache-common and apache-ssl are removed. What you want is to

Provides: apache, apache-common, apache-ssl

This will tell the package manager that apache-ssl-ywesee has the same
functionality as the named packages, so that any dependency that relies
on one can depend on apache-ssl-ywesee instead.

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|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]    | who got cursed with garlic breath? He was a
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+- www.cowlark.com --+ halitosis.

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