On Mon, Oct 28, 2002 at 10:14:50PM +0100, Jan-Hendrik Palic wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 28, 2002 at 11:07:07AM -0600, Steve Langasek wrote:
> >> I'm maintaining pbbuttonsd for PPC-Notebooks.
> >> I'm preparing the new upstream version and I stuck at this point, that
> >> the pbbuttonsd wants to have a link /dev/cdrom.
> >Can the software not function without /dev/cdrom?  Unless I'm mistaken,
> >this software has plenty of uses even if there's no cdrom installed in
> >the machine.

> The softwares behavior on missing devices is cruel ;(
> If the /dev/cdrom does not exists, it will stop starting ... 
> To solve this, I see two ways, set the link /dev/cdrom or put the right
> device into the the configfile .. 

Is it possible to get a fix for this into the upstream sources?
Especially in light of the devfs issue pointed out, it would be ideal if
the software would deal more gracefully with the absence of this device
file.  I can also see it being useful to continue running pbbuttonsd when
the cdrom drive is physically absent, perhaps due to a hardware failure.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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