*deep breath*

I would like to adopt the gnat package.

There, I said it.

Basically, I use gnat (and DEC ADA) at work in saftey critical applications.
I have been a Debian user for about 8 years now, and I want to get more
involved. I would have preferred to start with a smaller package, but I
want to adopt an orphaned package which is not graphically based, and is
not perl or php.

I don't want to go ahead if people don't think I have what it takes, so,
could the mentors start the inquisition please?

My GPG public key is on the european key server, but I don't think it
has been signed by a present Debian developer. I did ask Phil Hands to
sign my key at the recent UK Linux Developers Conference, but he didn't
get around to it.

Jon Ward
Birmingham, UK.

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Description: PGP signature

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