On Sun, Nov 10, 2002 at 12:09:44PM +0100, Filippo Giunchedi wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 09, 2002 at 12:34:58PM -0800, Ross Boylan wrote:
> [snip]
> > What is the debian way to do this when I'm building packages from
> > source?
> apt-build should help, it works well (at least for me).

That had an interesting set of configuration questions about
optimization, though the whole thing may be a little too automatic for
me.  It did also answer two other of my questions:
* athlon optimizations are not available until gcc 3.x, so this is
probably way I was getting -march=i686 in my kernel builds (mentioned
in my other message).  I'm gcc 2.95.
* it warns that strong optimization (-O3 presumably) may lead to
stability problems.  Sigh.

> > By the way, I believe it is safe to mix code I've optimized with regular
> > unoptimized libraries (i.e., regular debs).  Let me know if not.  I
> > also understand that I can't mix code from different versions of gcc,
> > at least not C++ from 3.2.  So I should stick with 2.95 unless I want
> > to rebuild every package I use--correct?
> as you can see from searching package lists in debian coexists gcc-2.95, 
> gcc-3.0
> and gcc-3.2 so IIRC there are no problems but a good package should compile
> without complains even with gcc-3.2 as it will be the default (see
> /usr/doc/gcc/README.Debian for a list of defaults)

Right, but my question was about mixing the libs and executables
produced by the different compilers.


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