Gunnar Wolf cursed the gypsies with this chant:
> As far as I can tell, no modules depend on it - Maybe I am searching for
> this the wrong way, but...
> # grep libiniconf-perl -r /var/lib/apt/lists/|grep -v Binary:|grep -v 
> Directory:|grep -v Package:|grep -v Filename:

Might I suggest "apt-cache showpkg libiniconf-perl"

Aaron Haviland      orion [at] tribble [dot] dyndns [dot] org
                                  orion [at] parsed [dot] net
The barman's face stopped in midwobble.
The bird's talons stopped in midfurrow.
The hand slowly released its grip.
"That," said the barman in a barely audible whisper,
from between dry lips, "will do nicely, sir."

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