On Fri, 2003-01-31 at 22:06, Ian Wilkinson wrote:
> and if anyone tells me to RTFM please point out where TFM is, as I can't 
> find it :-)

Maybe you could find some aswers in the Perl Packaging Policy, at:
http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/perl-policy/ (TFM =] )

Appart from the specifics of packaging a Perl module, packaging an
arch-indep source should be almost the same as packaging a
arch-dependant one, the only difference is putting all your debhelper
(or other script) calls in the arch-indep rule or your debian/rules
file, and not forget to specify it as an arch-indep package on the
control file.

I think that's it, but what do I know? I'm on the AM queue for 6 months



 Leo Costela
 Public Key: http://wallsplash.net/leo/pubkey.asc
 "you must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest... with... a herring!"

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