On Tuesday 04 March 2003 12:45, Michael Banck wrote:
> > What is the recommended practice on uploading new versions of packages
> > just for "minor" changes like this?  Should I upload new versions of all
> > of my packages, or wait to upload each package until there is a more
> > significant user-visible change?
> I don't know if there is a policy on this. I'd recommend switching to
> your @d.o address as you're doing regular uploads. If by the time of the
> freeze there are still packages left with your old address, an upload
> just to fix that is alright. That's just MHO, YMMV.

this is probably the best practice provided the information in the package 
header is still valid.  If the old email address stops functioning a new 
upload is warranted.

Also, if the package changes very infrequently it may make sense to upload a 
new package now than say 8 months from now.

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