On Mon, 14 Apr 2003 17:15:31 +1000 (EST)
Matthew Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sun, 13 Apr 2003, Fielder George Dowding wrote:
> > I will sign up for the d-mentors list. I will lurk until I
> > understand what my next step is.
> The next step, simply speaking, is to make the modifications to
> defoma you think are appropriate, make a new package (including
> all the trimmings, like a changelog entry, modifying control to
> make you the maintainer, and source and binary packages) and send
> the URL where they can be downloaded to d-mentors, asking for
> review and sponsorship if someone feels it is appropriate.
> People will tell you what's wrong; take that as a sign that people
> are interested, not that they hate you.  <grin>  Make the changes,
> then someone will probably take you up for sponsorship.  After a
> little while of working with a DD on defoma, you should be able to
> ask them to advocate on your behalf.  Then you can start the long
> and glorious journey through NM.
> -- 
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> ------#include <disclaimer.h>
> Matthew Palmer, Geek In Residence
> http://ieee.uow.edu.au/~mjp16
Right! Get on with it, eh?

Fielder George Dowding, Chief Iceworm
dba Iceworm Enterprises, Anchorage, Alaska
Since 1976 - Over 25 Years of Service.

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