
I was wondering since you were all so helpful about my earlier programming questions if you wouldn't mind a question about Operating System books. I am currently considering the following:

Operating System Concepts - 6th Edition Abraham Silberschatz, et al. Mentioned often but not reviewed that highly
Modern Operating Systems - 2nd Edition     Andrew Tanenbaum.  Well reviewed.
Applied Operating System Concepts   Abraham Siblerschatz, et al.

Anyone have any favorites or any other better suggestions??? I am of course mostly interested in *nix and possibly the Mach kernel (for the Hurd) but am really focused on theory, design, etc.

I seek your expert guidance once again.

Thank you!!

Barry deFreese
Debian 3.0r1 "Woody"
Registered Linux "Newbie" #302256 - Debian Developer Wannabe

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving
to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe
trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is
winning." Rich Cook.

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