On Tue, May 06, 2003 at 02:43:40PM -0500, Joe Wreschnig wrote:

> The obvious way to handle this is to package pyddr as normal, but without
> the ddrmat-related build scripts, and only generate one .deb, then package
> ddrmat-source as normal, and generate a .deb for that. Then upload the two
> separate source and binary packages. Do the various scripts/people
> automatically handle this, or do I have to file some bugs against
> ftp.debian.org to remove the old ddrmat-source package first?

You do not need to contact the ftpmasters in advance.  Just upload both
source packages as normal.  For the existing source package, it should be
processed automatically (with one less binary package than before).  The new
source package will be processed manually (you will receive a 'NEW'
notification), and once this is done, it will provide a new ddrmat-source

Remember to test upgrades from the old versions of the binary packages to
the new versions, to ensure that the file lists match up (or, if you
intentionally reorganize things, add the appropriate conflicts/replaces).

 - mdz

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