
I imagine a simple suggests with a note on the README pointing to the
documentation on doc-linux-{html,text} would be fine.
I don't think using the extra space for duplicate documentation is a
good idea, but maybe there's a more gentle solution...

PS.:(pt_BR) eu me sinto um idiota escrevendo inglês pra gente do
Brasil... mas tudo bem...

On Seg, 2003-07-07 at 07:22, Michelle Ribeiro wrote:
> Hello, all. 
> My package upstream's have a doc, about the package installation and 
> configuration at LDP. So, this doc is also in the doc-linux-html package. 
> Should I release the doc html and txt version with my package?
> Make doc-linux-html a dependency doesn't seems good to me due the size. 
> Best cheers, 
> -- 
> --
> Michelle Ribeiro

 Leo Costela
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