On Wed, Jul 16, 2003 at 09:45:55PM +0200, Sergio Suarez wrote:
> Hi Im new in debian develop and want adopt the orphan package zed, I =
> need a sponsor

Do you have anything to sponsor?  It's all well and good to say "I want a
sponsor", but unless you've got something to show us, it's unlikely any DD
will say "yes, I'll sponsor you" straight up.  After all, if a DD was
interested enough in zed to jump at anyone who said "sponsor me for zed",
they'd probably have adopted it themselves...

So, you need to read up on how to adopt a package (hint: developer's
reference); (possibly) fix #169469; and *then* send a message here saying
"I've got an updated zed package ready for upload <here>, could someone
sponsor it into the archive for me".  Probably describing what zed is,
again, so people will know what it is their sponsoring and whether it's
worth their time to do so.

- Matt

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