On Fri, Jul 18, 2003 at 02:15:53AM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> First a bug says:
> * #143670: fda: Upstream location is bogus 
> I've checked the location, it's not there anymore.
> Look for a new web , and I only found references to the Debian archive.
> I have contacted the upstream author who has changed his email. He told me
> he has not any web anymore. So what should I do? I've think about deleting 

Is there any way random people can get new versions of the software from
upstream?  Or has upstream just given up entirely on the program?

The purpose of the "It was downloaded from" line is to tell people where
they can get the software from, apart from Debian itself.  If no such
location exists, it should be sufficient to mention that.

There are several places (sf.net, tigris.org, savannah) where FOSS can get
hosted.  I'm sure somewhere could be found for fda.

> I'm reading all the docs I can in the Debian Developer's corner, but if you
> could tell me the steps to follow to upload the patch I'll be gratefull. 
> For the moment I have read nothing about uploading if you are not a 
> maintainer.

You don't upload yourself, you get a DD to do it on your behalf.  Basically,
you put the packages up somewhere (or offer to e-mail to interested parties,
if you have no webspace), and e-mail here saying "I'd like a sponsor for
fda, it does <this>", and saying how interested parties can get a copy of
the package to have a look at - in it's form you want it uploaded (so the
changes and everything associated, basically).

> I think I'll have no trouble in finishing fda bugs next week. Where do I 
> find someone to upload it for me?? 

Here.  Hopefully.  Don't be entirely discouraged if you get no takers.  It
may be that no interested people are watching at the moment.  Try looking at
archived bugs for fda submitted by DDs, perhaps they'd be willing to sponsor
an upload which fixes bugs, since (if they still use the package) they'd be
interested in a bugless package.

- Matt

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