Le Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 12:12:29AM +0200, Alexander Wirt écrivait:
> Hi, 
> I'm looking for some sponsor for a new package: 
> fisg - fast irc statistics generator
> Description:
> fisg generates a web page from IRC logs (irssi, mIRC, eggdrop),
> its comparable to pisg or mircstats, but pretty faster than them. 
> See http://www.midguard.de/stats.html - live demo
> or http://www.tnsp.org/fisg.php for more Informations.
> Ahh yeah the package:
> http://formorer.de/~formorer/devel/fisg/ 

You could add (Closes: #216772) to the "Initial Release" changelog

And you forgot to mention your package is lintian-clean :-)


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