On Thu, Nov 20, 2003 at 01:14:27PM -0800, Jess Mahan wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 20, 2003 at 11:55:48AM +0100, Andreas Metzler wrote:
>> On Thu, Nov 20, 2003 at 10:22:47AM +0100, Andreas Metzler wrote:
>>> On Wed, Nov 19, 2003 at 02:53:43PM -0800, Jess Mahan wrote:
>> [...]
>>>>  wmnetload (1.3) - A network interface monitor dockapp for Window Maker.
>>                        ^^
>>                        Dump this "A ".

>>> I'll take a look at this.

>> Not yet fit.
>> * software not specific to debian (i.e. almost anything !=dpkg)
>>   packaged as Debian-native package, no orig.tar.gz. (Check the the
>>   debian-mentors archive for a more verbose explanation.

>  I searched the debina-mentors archive and am not sure
>  what to do about the no orig.tar.gz.

>  I followed the Debian New Maintainers Giude to the tee, and when
>  packagin, it doesnt seem to generate a diff or orig.tar.gz.

Ok, I'll dig in the local archive ;-)

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Sat, 7 Jun 2003 11:26:51:
| You built the package as native package, i.e. you generated a tarball
| rotn_1.0-1.tar.gz that contains both upstream sources and the
| modifications you made to them, instead of shipping the original
| unchanged tarball and a diff.gz which _only_ contains your
| modifications.
| Place the original tarball in the parent-directory (e.g. /tmp/) of the
| unpacked
| source-tree (e.g. /tmp/rotn-1.0/) and rename it to
| packagename_upstreamversion.orig.tar.gz (rotn_1.0.orig.tar.gz) and use
| "dpkg-buildpackage uc -us -sd -rfakeroot".
| See developers' reference "5.4 Layout of the source package" for a
| /little/ more detailed comments.

The "original tarball" refers to the thing you get from

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Sat, 25 Oct 2003
| Making a package native has unwanted consequences:
| * every upload requires uploading a new tar.gz to the Debian server by
|   the maintainer and distributing it to all the mirrors, instead of
|   just uploading a (small) diff.gz.
| * Debian versioning and upstream versioning is usually completely
|   unrelated. You don't want to make release, if the only change
|   from is changed Build-Depends or the addition of a japanese
|   debconf translation.
| * something I forgot to mention. :-P

>  I ran lintian on the package and dsc, and it doesnt report any
>  errors.

>  I am packageing on woody/stable, maybee this is the reason?

Possibly. The lintian on my machine at home (woody) only barked about
binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath, but I am pretty sure that a current
lintian version (I cannot test here, as I have only got a sid chroot
at work) would probably have added:
* out-of-date-standards-version,
* dh_make template in debian copyright. (That refers to "Author(s)" -
  you should know whether it is one or more persons.)

It is necessary that you have access to an unstable system, e.g. a
chroot if you don't want to switch your main system (Iirc
www.debian.org/devel has instructions on how to setup one), and that
you test and build the package on it, because it will be uploaded to
unstable and needs to build and work with the versions in unstable.

Now to something completely different: Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty
please read http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote.html (especially
section 2.)
           cu andreas
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