Rogério Brito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:

> On Oct 28 2004, Rogério Brito wrote:
>> Regarding the postrm, yes, it was missing. I put the postinst and postrm
>> calling texhash, but it seems that I may have deleted the postrm, which was
>> obviously a fault on my side. I'm doing it again.
> I forgot to say that I have uploaded a new version of the package to my
> homepage <> and that I would welcome
> any comments intended to make this package useful.

You can't assume in postrm that tetex-bin is still installed. You should
at least do something like

texhash || true

(but then you'll get bug reports because people spot the error
message...). Or do

test -x "`which texhash`" && texhash

(the "" are important, look at: test -x; echo $?)

The copyright has also improved; I would however suggest to get rid of
README.Debian. There's no new information in there compared to the
control file.

Apropos, you write:

Description: Post-processor for presentations made with LaTeX
 PPower4 is a post-processor for making PDF presentations with pdflatex.
 This is usually a good idea when one's presentations actually happen to have
 many formulae, since the TeX engine is at the disposal of the person making
 the presentation.

According to the homepage, ppower4 can also work with latex-->dvipdfm,
not only pdflatex. And I would write something like 

... when one's presentations contain many formulae, since the
complete math typesetting power of TeX can be used.

But I'm not a native speaker, either.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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