On Mon, 2004-01-19 at 19:29, Adriaan Peeters wrote:

> I am a bit confused about the usage of the Maintainer field in .changes
> files.
> What is the correct policy? Should the automatically generated .changes
> file be updated to include the uploader's email?
I tend to request people I sponsor follow the following:

Maintainer: field in debian/control contains their ASCIIfied[0] name,
but an e-mail address of [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I
maintain .forward-sponsoring-* files on master to send the mail to
myself and them, so I get to see incoming bug reports, and can keep an
eye on their progress.

Uploaders: field in debian/control contains their ASCIIfied name and
correct e-mail address and *MY* name and e-mail address.  This means the
package appears on both my packages overview[1] page and theirs.

The debian/changelog entry is marked with their ASCIIfied name and
correct e-mail address.

Running the usual tools, it means we get the following effect with the
.changes file:

Maintainer: contains the same as the debian/control maintainer field. 
We both therefore get copies of the ACCEPTED and INSTALLED mail and
notification of any closed bug reports.  The real name part is the same
as the changelog entry, so the bug is closed rather than tagged "fixed".

Changed-By: gives their name and correct e-mail address, for audit
purposes.  (Comes from the changelog entry, iirc).

The file is signed by my key, a UID of which matches the address given
in Uploaders:

This is a bit complex, perhaps, but it covers all bases.  It makes it
easy for me to keep track of who I'm sponsoring, including new bug
reports and the like.  It means when they take over the packages
themselves later, they drop the Uploaders: field and fix the Maintainer:
field, but don't need to change any bookmarks to the various stats
sites, etc.  It also ensures katie does the right thing, and closes bug
reports rather than tagging them as "fixed".


[0] this must match that given in changelog for bugs to correctly close,
    so not using UTF-8 characters is important.
[1] http://qa.debian.org/developer.php
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