On Sun, Mar 07, 2004 at 08:43:13PM +0100, GCS wrote:
> > However, a few nits to pick...
> > 
> > - please convert your files in the debian directory to UTF-8. The Debian
> >   policy requires this.
>  Done. I just wonder if there's a way for automatic signing the packages
> after build, as now I get:
> gpg: skipped `Låszló BÜszÜrmÊnyi (GCS) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>': 
> secret key not available
> It's confused by the UTF8 chars. All I could come up is adding an alias
> to debuild as 'debuild -kkey_id'.
You can build it with `dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -k<keyid>`
Or you can sign them after building with debsign utility.

      _     Bartosz Feński aka fEnIo | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 
    _|_|_    32-050 Skawina - Głowackiego 3/15 - w. małopolskie - Polska
    (0 0)     phone:+48501608340 | ICQ:46704720 | GG:726362 | IRC:fEnIo
ooO--(_)--Ooo http://skawina.eu.org | JID:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | RLU:172001

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