> > * I never got asked the DB admin questions, so installation
> > failed.

I think I've got it : diogenes.config tried to figure out the database
admin and password by using wwwconfig-common's mysql-localadmpass.get
(which reads /etc/mysql/my.cnf /var/lib/mysql/my.cnf ~/.my.cnf) and if
it got an answer, it did not ask the corresponding debconf questions.
I think this behaviour is not appropriate as it does not guarantee
that the said admin/password are for the correct MySQL server (it does
no checks on the host). I have dropped this bit of code altogether and
simply ask the admin/password questions regardless of the my.cnf
files. I am wondering if a bug shouldn't be filed against horde2 as it
has the same behaviour.

Anyhow, diogenes fixes this, can you possibly confirm that
the installation works as expected?

This still leaves the "communicating via console" problem if you
choose "Other" as a webserver, I'll wait for your thoughts on the


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