>   Jay Berkenbilt wrote:
>   > Although I failed to mention this in my initial post, the thing that
>   > pushed me over the edge and made me decide to submit this package for
>   > sponsorship was the recent inclusion of the "renameutils" package,
>   > which I learned about in the Debian Weekly News[1] new package list.
>   Ah. The only thing that kept me from suggesting the same for patmv as
>   for pdfmerge was that I didn't know which package is would well fit in.
>   Thanks for taking care of that.
>   So: I suggest you submit it for addition to renameutils.
>   As a side effect, renameutils and your package get a comaintainer.

Thanks for the suggestion.  My preference would still be to have patmv
as its own package as I think patmv and renameutils have different
audiences.  Also, patmv has its own life outside of perl or
renameutils.  My point about renameutils was only that the fact that
this package was recently included into Debian convinced me that there
was a place for something small and special-purpose like my patmv
command.  As for comaintainership, that's always a good idea, but I've
changed patmv about four times in 10 years, so I don't think it will
generate too much activity. :-)


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