
I have just created one of my first debian package, and would like to have some comments on the actual packaging.

Have I missed something?
I am very confused of
*) Should I only use the rules file, or a separate Makefile
*) Should I list all the directories in the dirs (including /usr/sbin)
*) Should I list the conffiles in a separate conffile?
*) How do I automatically set the version number and perhaps a timestamp in the program during packaging?
*) Anything else I have missed?

My package is passing through Lintian anway, and I seem to be able to install, upgrade, remove and --purge it without anyproblems.

My package can be fetched from www.thuree.com/debian/buppo or by simply have the following in the apt.sources
deb http://www.thuree.com/debian buppo/
deb-src http://www.thuree.com/debian buppo/

Extract from the Packages file
Description: A simple file system backup program that uses afio and tar
 This package is a simple solution for backing up a number of servers
 and/or work stations in a cheap way.
 buppo has the following features
 1) Handles a full backup according to a configuration file
 2) Possible to skip directories/files
 3) Handles multiple configuration files
 4) Stores each backup in a dump directory
5) Links to the dump directory from day, week, month, quarter, year backups
 6) Specifies how many backups should be saved per period
 7) Handles incremental backup relative to the last full backup
 8) Handles incremental backup relative to the last incremental backup
 9) Executes user scripts before the backup is started
 10) A server can fetch all unfetched backups from not_fetched directory
 11) Stores the list of Debian packages which are currently installed

Thanks in advance


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