On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 08:48:55PM +0200, Remco Seesink wrote:
> Hello,
> I am preparing an updated package with an unsolved security bug.
> I would like to upload it to mentors.debian.net, but when it
> gets uploaded to main it will have the same version number as the
> one on mentors. I would to know if there is a way to upload to
> mentors and be sure it gets upgraded when it enters main.
> I had this problem before, but now it is worse because of the security
> bug.
> I looked at the policy and the reverse problem seems to be solved
> by using epochs. An negative epoch is not the way right? And how do
> I apply an epoch? Yada complains when I try to put an Version: field 
> somewhere.
> Is there an other way to do it without having to bump the debian version?
> Or is that exactly what I should do?

The proper way is to simply not upload to mentors.d.n with 'official'
debian revision numbers. Assuming the offical version will be 1.0-1, use
for example 1.0-1~mentors1 (if mentors.d.n accepts ~ in version
numbers), or alternatively 1.0-0mentors1 (decrease debian-revision by
one, append a mentor-specific part).

This way, there is never a clash, you can see from the version number
it's an unoffical version.

Two alternative approaches:
- simply increment debian revision, and use -v appropriately, it doesn't
  matter certain debian-revisions are never uploaded. Disadvantage:
  changelog cluttering, usually people won't have those unofficial
  intermediate versions, and the differences among those are not very
  interesting usually. If you merge the topmost changelog entry every
  time, you seemingly have gaps in version numbering according to
  changelog, not very nice either.
- Don't care about m.d.n, simply have your fixed version uploaded with
  the same version number. m.d.n is unoffical anyway, you in no way have
  to take care of proper upgrade paths at all. Disadvantage: in
  bugreports with reportbug, and for the user itself, it's hard to see
  whether the user/reporter has an unoffical version, or the official


Jeroen van Wolffelaar
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (also for Jabber & MSN; ICQ: 33944357)

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