James Stone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:

> More changes have been made... Fingers crossed the package is okay
> now!
> still looking for a sponsor..

I've had a look at it. Hm, it's not exactly what I hoped for (at least
not at it's present stage of development), and since I think I'm not
going to use it, I also won't sponsor it.

Just some remarks:

- The package should generate a menu entry

- Don't ship gpl.txt.gz

- Is there really no documentation except the manpage?

- The GUI looks nice, but it seems it's not fully ready for a release:
  It didn't ask me whether I wanted to save my plot when closing the
  window; I couldn't find how I could completely remove the symbols and
  only use the line (and other customization stuff), some actions are
  extremely slow, I didn't find out how I could resize the columns etc.

Regards, Frank

Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

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