Since a day has elapsed and I haven't gotten any bites on vips and
nip, I decided I should prepare a quick 5-minute demo. :-) nip is a
little counter-intuitive when you first open it up, but it's very
powerful and easy to use once you get the hang of it.

The demo script I've prepared here should take less than five minutes
to go through, and you'll probably start to see the real power of the
application within the first minute.  I hope someone will take five
minutes to go through the demo so they can see how great this software
is, and hopefully decide it's worth having in Debian.  Once you've
gotten sucked in, maybe you'll want to spend a little more time
playing with it.

I've attached three files: steps.txt, 1.tif, and 2.png.  (The images
are tiny -- less than 2K each.)  Create an empty directory, save the
attachments in it, cd to that directory and follow the instructions in
steps.txt.  You'll have to install the nip package first (of course),
which also requires libvips7.8.  These are on, so
if your sources.list contains at least

deb unstable main

you can just apt-get install nip.

One other quick note: my nip package does install a debian menu file
so, if you are using a menu system, you can select Apps -> Graphics ->
nip.  In this case, you'll have to change directories in the file
loading menu to find the files, of course.

Below appears my original RFS for reference.  This will save you even
more time because you won't have to looking for my previous
message. :-)

In case it isn't clear, I think this is a really good program.  Rather
than nagging or expecting people to drop everything and invest time
and energy in this, I'm trying to make it as easy and painless as
possible for someone to evaluate this program.  My hope is that
someone will be impressed enough with this software to want to sponsor
it, hopefully soon enough for it to make it into sarge.  Then they'll
look at my packaging and either decide to accept it as is or make some
constructive comments which I can turn around quickly.  Thanks again!

Original RFS below.


I have packaged [1] vips and nip.  The packages can be found on (details follow).  All packages are lintian clean
and were built in an up-to-date pbuilder environment.  I have locally
installed and tested the packages.


The following introductory text, largely lifted from the vips web
site, briefly describes the software:

  VIPS is a free image processing system.  It is good with large
  images (images larger than the amount of RAM in your machine), and
  for working with colour.  VIPS consists of two main components: an
  image processing library, and a spreadsheet-like graphical user
  interface, available in the nip package.

The nip program is really quite remarkable, and has functionality
unlike what I've seen any other packages.  This is most certainly not
just another image viewer or manipulation program.  With this program,
you can form complex pipelines of image operations using a
spreadsheet-like user interface.  The resulting images are updated
dynamically as parameters are changed.  One of the more interesting
features here is mosaic assembly.  I have used this successfully to
create "seamless" scanned images out of parts scanned on my 8.5x11
flatbed scanner.  Also, nip can work on very large images and is quite
efficient.  I was able to do manipulations on 9 300-dpi 24-bit color
8.5 x 11 images simultaneously without any observable lag.

I have discussed my interest in packaging vips and nip for Debian with
the upstream maintainers, who are enthusiastic about this possibility.
There are packages for vips and nip for some other distributions
including gentoo.

An [2] RFS for this package already existed.  I retitled the RFS to an
ITP and posted a little bit of additional information.


There are two source packages: vips7.8 and nip.  The vips7.8 package
creates four binary packages (shown here with their i386 names):


The nip package creates a single binary package:


The vips package has the version number built into the package name
because it creates and installs a shared library.  Unfortunately, the
library version is 0.0.0, but the upstream maintainers have fixed this
and are now using sensible shared library naming conventions.  To my
knowledge, they are not using versioned symbols, though I may take
this issue up with them (particularly after this whole tiff fiasco).
vips 7.10.0 is out, but it is considered a beta release.  The upstream
maintainers expressed a preference for having 7.8.14 packaged for
Debian for now rather than 7.10.0.  The new version of nip is now
called nip2.  It uses gtk2.0 instead of gtk+.  I will package those in
a few months when they are considered stable by upstream and have
documentation.  Clearly they will not be ready in time for sarge.

I'm hoping someone will sponsor these packages and upload them soon.
They need to be uploaded fairly quickly to make it into sarge.  Any
feedback on the packaging is, of course, appreciated so that if I need
to make changes, there is still time.

Since nip build depends upon libvips7.8-dev (which depends upon
libvips7.8), a gap of a day or two should be left between uploading
vips and uploading nip.

A few final notes: I am on the [3] NM queue but have not yet been
assigned an AM, so I have some time to go yet.  I am currently
maintaining the xerces packages (xerces23, xerces24, xerces25, and
libxml-xerces-perl) as a member of the debian-sgml-xml group on
alioth.  I am listed as a co-maintainer of those packages, though I am
presently the only person actively working on them.  As for vips and
nip, I am not associated with the packages in any way other than being
a user.


Thanks for your support.  If no one steps up to sponsor these packages
within a couple of days, I will ask two people who have sponsored
uploads for me before, but I'm hoping someone who is interested in
image manipulation software will take a look at these.  I don't want
to seem impatient, which is why I mention this up front.  I'm only
trying to act quickly because of the looming sarge freeze. :-)

Jay Berkenbilt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Attachment: 1.tif
Description: TIFF image

Attachment: 2.png
Description: PNG image

Run nip &

Insert -> Image From File
Change file type from "VIPS image files" to "TIFF image files"
select "1.tif"

Insert -> Image From File
Change file type from "VIPS image files" to "PNG image files"
select "2.png"

Double click the image portion of A2 to open the A2 image window

CTRL-left click near the upper-left corner but stil in the gray
drag all the way to the lower-right corner
This creates A3
Close the A2 image window (File -> Quit, or use the window manager)

Hold the mouse over A2.  Notice A3 turns medium blue, showing child

Click on A3.  Notice A2 turns dark blue, showing parent relationship

Double-click on image portion of A1 to open A1 window

Double-click on image portion of A3 to open A3 window

In A1, CTRL-left click on some point that is common to the two images,
for example somewhere on the "a".  This creates point A4.

In A3, CTRL-left click on APPROXIMATELY the same point.  It doesn't
need to be super-exact, so eyeballing it is okay.  This creates point

Close A1 and A3.

Now left click on the label "A4" and CTRL-left click on "A5" so that
both labels are green.  This is selecting these points as arguments.

In the right-side menu, select Mosaic -> Mosaic_Translate ->

This creates image A6: a "stitched" version of the image.

Double click A6 to open the A6 window

CTRL-left click near the upper-left corner in the gray and drag to
near the lower-right corner within the gray so the entire selected
region is in the gray.  This creates region A7.  Close A6.

Single click A7 so the label turns green.

On the right-side menu, select Colour -> RGB_to -> Mono

Click A8.  In right menu, select Filter -> Emboss

Right click A9, select Save..., type final.jpg

Main menu -> File -> Save workspace: enter "potato", click "save"

Exit (File -> Quit)

Now look at final.jpg in your favorite viewer.

Restart nip: nip &
There's your whole workspace again

Double click A6 and A9.  Move or the A7 region in A6.  Watch A9 update

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