On Thu, Aug 05, 2004 at 07:29:02PM +0200, Alexander List wrote:
> On Thu, 5 Aug 2004, Andreas Metzler wrote:
> > The autobuilders will not build nonfree packages no matter what you
> > try. - You can build manually on one of Debian's machines if you are
> > a DD.
> OK, how do I cope with missing build-depends? I tried to build on one of
> the chroots on pergolesi, but that doesn't know about dpkg-checkbuilddeps
> or dpkg-buildpackage...

You'll need to ask debian-admin for that package to be installed in the

Note that you don't actually need to bother with building a nonfree
package on all architectures. It just needs to be built on
archictectures on which it was previous built. If this is causing you a
huge problem, you can ask ftpmaster to remove packages on other
architectures that you can't build for, and then it won't matter.



Pascal Hakim                                          0403 411 672
Do Not Bend

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