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Moin Matthew
On Friday 13 August 2004 00:49, Matthew Palmer wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 12, 2004 at 07:36:06PM +0200, Thomas Templin wrote:
> > We are just discussing on irc.freenode.net #debian-edu how to get ILIAS
> > elearning asasp into sid
> >
> > andreas schuldei of skolelinux.no gave me a hint to ask on debian-mentors
> > for someone who may give a helping hand.
> Andreas should have pointed you here:
> http://people.debian.org/~mpalmer/debian-mentors_FAQ.html.  One point that
> immediately comes to mind is: tell us what your doodad is that you want
> help with.  I might be interested, but I've got absolutely *no* idea what
> ILIAS elearning is, and you neither give description nor URL.
Beg your pardon and shame on me...
I send this mail 30sec after Andreas mentioned on #debian-edu to ask
@debian-mentors for assistance.

> I could google it, but that feels like too much work for this early in the
> day, especially since there's a good chance I'll waste my time and it'll be
> something I won't be interested in.  Tell me why I want to be interested,
> and then I might be.
> Oh, and I think you're entirely too optimistic about getting it into the
> Sarge release.
Yes I am. (c;
IMO always better than beeing pessimistic.

> - Matt

Ok, lets get beef on the bones:

### Name of the package

### The licence the package is provided under

### Short descriptions of the package
ILIAS is an Open Source Learning Management System, offered free of charge, 
for developing and realising web-based e-learning. It offers standardized 
tools and templates for creating courses and course materials including 
integrated navigation and administration. Tools for synchronious and 
assynchronious communication are included as well. 
ILIAS is provided under the GPL and can be obtained from: 

### Long descriptions of the package
ILIAS is an Open Source Learning Management System, offered free of charge, 
for developing and realising web-based e-learning. The software was developed 
to reduce the costs of using new media in education and to offer the maximum 
level of customer influence in the implementation of a Learning Management 
ILIAS allows efficient creation of courses and course materials. It offers 
standardized tools and templates for the learning and working process 
including integrated navigation and administration.
Every user in ILIAS has their own Personal Desktop. In ILIAS, the assignment 
of roles determines user access to different tools, features, and materials. 
The default user roles and permissions may be effortlessly redefined and new 
roles can easily be created. Groups can be founded for cooperative work and 
communication. An integrated authoring environment allows easy content 
creation and re-use.
ILIAS is now available as version 3 with a redesigned software architecture 
and a new look. In the current release it offers the following features:

This is a personal working space for each user in ILIAS. Here users begin 
their session in ILIAS, and continue using it for a course or to enter a 
virtual working group.
* Subscribed courses and content modules incl. last visited page
* Subscribed forums and groups
* New mails
* Calendar
* My bookmarks
* Who-is-online?
* Personal profile and settings incl. vcard

In the repository users find all available resources for learning and working 
like learning objects, courses, forums, files or working groups. All objects 
within the repository are assigned to one or more categories that refer to 
the organisational structure of an institution or to a systematology as well.
Different modes of presentation and an internal search engine support user 
additionally to find the appropriate content easily. For further use all 
these content objects can be put on the user's personal desktop by 

At the moment the following types of content mo-dules can be used in ILIAS:
* ILIAS Learning Modules
* ILIAS Glossaries
* Digital Books
* SCORM Modules
* Imported HTML Websites
All ILIAS modules and digital books are based on XML and refer to the ILIAS 
Content Module DTD (Docu-ment Type Defintion). Metadata description of 
content is compliant to LOM. For ILIAS Learning Modules different course 
layouts can be chosen, e.g. 'three-window-view' or 'presentation mode without 
ILIAS content modules can be used in ILIAS or exported for printing use or for 
re-use in other ILIAS installations. Exporting ILIAS modules to other 
document types will be supported pretty soon, e.g. static HTML sites or text 
Content modules can be imported or created within the ILIAS authoring 
environment. It is possible to integrate all types of objects that are 
normally displayed in a browser into ILIAS Content modules. 
Additionally any type of file can be distributed via file list as well. This 
allows online and offline content to be combined into hybrid learning 
modules. The result is appropriate for both the author's needs and a variety 
of learning scenario requirements.

For communication purposes ILIAS offers an internal news system, discussion 
forums and chat. Tutors can moderate forums and chats. 
ILIAS supports the delivery of internal mails to external e-mail addresses as 

Because of an own internal group system ILIAS allows cooperative learning and 
working on the platform without additional tools. Users can create groups 
that are open for everyone or have specially defined access restrictions. 
Other users can be invited or get access with a password. All necessary tools 
for the administration of group members and resources are part of the system.
* Groups with different access settings (open or no registration,
  required registration, required invitation, private or public groups)
* Administration and delivery of group resources, e.g. learning modules,
  forums or files
* Administration of group members and invitation of new members
* Access control an permission settings to tools and features

ILIAS version 3 supports the following e-learning standards:
* SCORM 1.2 (LMS-RTE3)
* LOM metadata
* IMS QTI (for test&assessment tool - scheduled for ILIAS 3.2)
Implementation of additional standards like AICC and IMS Learning Design is 
planned or has already been started.

The new setup makes it very easy to install ILIAS on a server and configure 
clients. After installation the entire system administration can be done in 
ILIAS itself.
* System settings
* Language settings (10 languages available for version 3)
* Enable modules and tools
* Configuration of clients
* User administration
* Role based access control of repository objects
* Creation and modification of role templates
* Administration of categories
* User tracking and reporting

ILIAS is available as open source software under the GNU General Public 
Licence (GPL) and can be used without any restrictions. All current versions 
are available at the ILIAS open source website and can be obtained from: 
Schools, universities, educational institutions and every interested person 
may use the system free of charge and contribute to its further development. 
Users, authors and administrators need only a browser and Internet access. 
Several operating systems like Unix, Linux, Mac OS X and Windows can be used 
for the ILIAS server. All additional third-party software (e.g. MySQL, PHP, 
Apache) is available as Open Source software as well and can be downloaded 
from our website.
Due to the openness of its source code ILIAS can be adapted easily to specific 
requirements of an institution. For changes of the "Look&Feel" only little 
modifications of the HTML layout templates are necessary. Users worldwide 
contribute already to the software development coordinated by the ILIAS open 
source team at the University of Cologne.

For further information please contact the team:

## Where the package can be obtained from
Up to now there is a tarball only.
Wolf Loeffelholz will build / has build the first package on friday

That's what ILIAS People say about their project.
Let me have some further introducement for ILIAS from my point of view

If you have a look at 
you will find a list of reference installations of ILIAS which is IMHO *very* 

And ILIAS is on the way to get more and more functionality of  classical 
groupware systems, which is asked for very much by teachers at schools here 
in germany.

So it will be a very good enhancement to Debian-edu and Skolelinux.

Schooltool, an administarative application for schools will be another one.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)


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