On Wednesday 18 August 2004 15:56, Rolandas Juodzbalis wrote:

> I already found big (?) bug with Debian all versions probably, but

[ . . . ]

> helping me to correct mistakes. But what is interesting in all this -
> nobody answered with "yes, I will sponsor you". Of course, it is only
> four days past my request, but who can guarantee that answer will be?

I just skimmed the threads on both wmnetmon and tpop3d; it seems like 
one reason nobody has stepped up and offered to sponsor is that it 
sounded like you still had work to do on both of those packages. 
Perhaps this was a misconception, but it was my at-a-glance impression.

It may help to read through the debian-mentors FAQ, if you haven't 
already: <http://people.debian.org/~mpalmer/debian-mentors_FAQ.html>, 
especially the section, "How do I get a sponsor for my package?", "But 
why should I waste time packaging if there's no guarantee it's going to 
be uploaded?", and "Where else can I get a sponsor?".

If you feel that the packages are ready to be reviewed again, please 
post links to both of your packages (wmnetmon and tpop3d) and I will 
try to give you feedback. I am willing to sponsor your packages if/when 
they are in good shape.

> And it is up to Debian community to
> choose if I will be passive user or will start to do something really
> useful.

Well, really, it's up to you; you're the only one who can take 
responsibility for your choices! =)

But if you're willing to be a active and reliable maintainer, I am 
willing to sponsor your packages.

Wesley J. Landaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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