On Tue, Aug 24, 2004 at 08:47:36AM +0400, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
>At 23 Aug 2004, 09:30 Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
>>I have prepared new version of python-irclib (I'm maintainer of it). It
>>contains small modification to allow jabber-irc package work better.

Please add the following line to debian/copyright [6][7]:

Copyright (C) 1999--2002  Joel Rosdahl

>>The jabber-irc is the new package and it is not in Debian archive yet.

Please add the following line to debian/copyright [6][7]:

Jan 2004 Copyright (c) Mike Albon

Also, for both python-irclib and jabber-irc include the upstream
homepage in the description in debian/control [8][9].

[6] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2003/12/msg00007.html
[7] http://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2003/12/msg00194.html
[8] http://people.debian.org/~walters/descriptions.html

>>This is the IRC-transport for jabber server. It is written in python basing
>>on the libraries python-xmpp (that I'm the maintainer too) and
>I have uploaded the source packages here:
>Alexey Nezhdanov

Anibal Monsalve Salazar
 .''`. Debian GNU/Linux      | Building 28C
: :' : Free Operating System | Monash University  VIC 3800  Australia
`. `'  http://debian.org/    | http://www-personal.monash.edu/~anibal

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