
I have solved my problem of empty .debs in a library package: in the 
debian/rules file, I had to change the install command from

$(MAKE) install prefix=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp

to read

$(MAKE) install prefix=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/usr

so that dh_movefiles could move the files into debian/<packagename>/usr/ since 
they should be installed in /usr/ at the end, as was correctly indicated in the 
debian/<packagename>.files files.

Since debian/rules and debian/<packagename>.files were both created by 
dpkg-buildpackage (and I did not change them in the first place), one should 
expect that such manual fixing is not needed - could this be a bug?

Best regards,


GN Otometrics -- Hortmann       
Dipl.Phys. Dr. Matthias Zenker
Entwicklung / Development
Auchtertstraße 4, D-72770 Reutlingen
Tel. ++49(0)7121/99435-60, Fax -79

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