> Hi people
> Well, about Raster3D. I have talked a little more with the author:
> OK, this is one time too many.  It seems I must bow to the inevitable
> and add a paragraph marked "License" to the web site and to the
> distributed package.  But it may take me some weeks to devise
> suitable text and get legal advice.

Until the software has a proper license description, it cannot enter in

> It is fine to use Raster3D for commercial purposes;
> in fact you can see from the covers of many scientific journals that it
> is used for this by many publishers.  Raster3D may not be sold, however.

Raster3D needs to be soldable. If someone decides to package Debian in a fancy
way (super blue-dvds, with a nice cover and a super-installer) the person MUST
have the right to sell the content with the price he pleases. He MUST
distribute the code alongside or give a choice of being sent the code *read
the GPL and associated licenses*.

Dude, read the DFSG #1 and come back _once you read and understood_ it.

> As I told you, I have explicitly given Debian permission to include
> Raster3D in the past, but it never seems to emerge from the other
> end of the process.

Dude. Which part of "The rights attached to the program must not depend on the
program's being part of a Debian system." you dont understand?

Read DFSG#8 and come back.

> *END*
> So... even with the author giving us permission to put Raster3D on
> Debian, it's necessary to have a license?


> And using Raster3D for commercial purposes, still includes it on
> non-free category?

Yes. Read above.

Jesus Climent                                      info:www.pumuki.org
Unix SysAdm|Linux User #66350|Debian Developer|2.4.26|Helsinki Finland
GPG: 1024D/86946D69 BB64 2339 1CAA 7064 E429  7E18 66FC 1D7F 8694 6D69

First came darkness, then came the strangers.
                --Dr. Schreber (Dark City)

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