On Sun, Jul 31, 2005 at 09:59:04AM +0000, W. Borgert wrote:
> - How do I have to arrange the repository, so that
better use arrangement which svn-buildpackage creates
branches trunk tags upstream build-area and tarballs
>   under pkg-greetings/hello/tags/1.0-1/?  Or do I have to put
>   the upstream under pkg-greetings/hello/branches/upstream/1.0/?
svn-inject and consequently svn-upgrade does it for you

> - How do I call svn-buildpackage, so that pbuilder is used?  Is
>   --svn-builder=pdebuild enough?
I'm using 
svn-buildpackage --svn-lintian --svn-builder="pdebuild --buildresult
`pwd`/../build-area --auto-debsign "
borrowed from a nice minimalistic HOWTO

> - Has somebody a good build script that does all steps
>   automatically?  1. checkout from svn, 2. build in pbuilder,
>   3. run linda, 4. run lintian, 5. run piuparts.
I did without 3 and 5 with a given above commands. But it is easy to add
3 and 5 just add them to --svn-postbuild as IT IS SAID IN THE MAN PAGE:

  --svn-prebuild, --svn-postbuild, --svn-pretag, --svn-posttag
     Commands (hooks) to be executed before/after the build/tag  com-
     mand  invocations.   Examples  to  fetch the orig tarball from a
     local pool (trying pool/libX/... to):

     svn-buildpackage   --svn-prebuild='a="wget   -c    http://mymir-
     sion}.orig.tar.gz"; $a$(echo $package|cut -c0-1)$b  ||  $a$(echo
     $package | cut -c0-4)$b'
     Multiple retries with a bashism:
     svn-buildpackage     --svn-prebuild='wget    -c    http://mymir-
     ror/debian/main/pool/{`echo $package | cut -c0-1`,`echo $package
     |         cut        -c0-4`}/$package/${package}_${upstream_ver-
     Or using a bounty, see below...
     svn-b             --svn-prebuild="wget             http://mymir-

> Many thanks in advance!
You are welcome :-) 
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